Message: “God’s the Solution, Not the Problem” from Mark Savidge

Mark Savidge - February 2, 2025

Living on the Hamster Wheel

In this introduction to the book of Ecclesiastes we discover how living life to and for ourselves is like a hamster running on a wheel, working really hard but accomplishing that which doesn't matter.

Scripture References: Ecclesiastes 1:1-11

From Series: "Ecclesiastes: Apart from God Nothing Matters"

“Vanity of vanity, all is vanity…” This is the conclusion of the writer of one of the most fascinating and powerful books of the Bible. This book of wisdom examines the measure of a successful and meaningful life isn’t about achievements or wealth, but rather whether or not God is at the center of it. As we walk through seemingly every area of life, we’ll discover how God alone makes life worth living.

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